This is a spell book for anyones use but please do not use it for bad. In wicca, the circle is a high energy space that allows magic to flow freely between this world and the world beyond the veil. See more ideas about protection spells, spelling and book of shadows. Smudging is burning herbs most commonly sage to get rid of negative energy on yourself, your home or any space. Use the power of the 4 elements to bless a new book of shadows. For more info about the beautiful bos that i won during a giveaway please visit earths rainn trading s. For this specific spell, create one that holds protection. Physically clean the book to remove dust, inserts, stickers, etc and then pass the book through the smoke of your favorite cleansing herb or incense. You can write whatever statement you want, but heres how to do it with protect my book of shadows. So instead of dont let someone see this say protect my book of shadows.
In order to do this, write out a statement of what you want your sigil to do. It will have info on wicca and my own book of shadows entries. Add this page to your book of shadows and make a simple circle casting part of your daily routine. This week, i am writing about the book of shadows, one of the most important tools of witchcraft. Protecting and blessing your book of shadows witch it good. Witches and wiccans usually keep a book of shadows, which can be a confusing item for anyone just learning about witchcraft. Blue candle water white candle air red candle fire brown or green candle earth your new bos all four candles should be the same sizetype so they burn out in about the same length of time.
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